Using Podcast with ESL Students

I believe utilizing Podcasts with ESL students is a great tool to improve and enhance learning the language. Podcasts uses visuals and voice overs to create a teaching moment digitally.  Providing visuals and oral language to a concept being learned is very beneficial to language learners because they are seeing the idea and hearing the language associated with the image; or they are simply hearing the language. Furthermore, Podcasts allows for students to learn the material anytime, anywhere since they can be viewed on any device.  Podcasts always provides students with access to the content at all times- to review what was taught in class to gain a better understanding or to study and make up for missed class time. Essentially, they can re-listening to a lesson whenever they want, instead of just hearing the concepts once in class.

There are several ways that Podcasts can be used with ESL students.  A teacher can create or download a Podcast for the students to listen too and create notes for homework (flipped classroom or to review something learned in class).  Another way is for students to make their own Podcasts on an assigned topic and then share them with the class to ensure all students were exposed to the different assigned topics.  This allows for more student centered learning rather than teacher centered since students are responsible for the content. Podcasts can be used to assist ESL students in hearing the language being learned by listening to a lecture on a topic that interests them and then completing a writing assignment describing what the Podcast was about and sharing it with the class (writing and speaking skills will be incorporated with this method).


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